poniedziałek, 10 marca 2014

niedziela, 9 marca 2014


We made it Kashiwa!
You gave your amazing voice and fought strongly
What gave amazing feeling. Your bare affection is beautiful.
Niko-nama also had fun?
But obviously I want to share love with you on LIVEs.
Your strength is needed for my singing.
In next Saitama, let’s make this live even more flashy!



Tonight we’re going to fly high with our full might, so
Immediately take it seriously!
Let us hear your enormous voice from SE!
Let’s get flashy on Niko-nama too!


People, who come to see LIVE
People on Nico-nama
Give your best.

Don’t go easy!...

sobota, 8 marca 2014


I was given DIAURA’s CD and DVD!
I can’t wait to check it! 


Thanks for the first day of Haru no Arashi!
I was really happy to see you from a long time and it was fun!
Are you able to show us more of yourself?
Shout louder
Call for it
Let’s love each other with full strength!
Let’s get entangled violently also tomorrow in Kashiwa!

piątek, 7 marca 2014


Pre-release GET!
Sounds and songs are amazing.
I recommend you all songs!
LIVE recording from first one-man is also beautiful.
That day, I couldn’t sleep for two days before LIVE(laughs)
I can’t wait for both Haru no Arashi
And LAST MOMENT release on 12/3
But goodnight.
See you tomorrow.


Rehearsal finished!
Finally from tomorrow starts Haru no Arashi!
I somehow feel that I haven’t seen you for a while.
I can’t wait to see you soon.
Bring towels tomorrow!
And don’t forget to GET your stamp cards!
Let’s get crazy during Haru no Arashi from the first day!

czwartek, 6 marca 2014

wtorek, 4 marca 2014


Finally it’s only week before New Single LAST MOMENT will be released!
Chaku-uta® are being pre-distributed already!

poniedziałek, 3 marca 2014

niedziela, 2 marca 2014


I saw BABYMETAL-san in Budokan.
It was totally cool metal.
Performance was also great!
Obviously metal is amazing DEATH!!